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Locations of Stone Peak Investments & Partners

Denver, Colorado - Primary location of Stone Peak with 5 active investments. Includes sales & marketing team, customer care, and digital marketing team. This is where the majority of work is done when Stone Peak is providing growth services for partners and portfolio companies.

Ashland, Oregon - Active investment and content creation studio with marketing & advertising infrastructure, specifically focusing on digital marketing. This is where the majority of the digital marketing is done, including audio & video content for portfolio companies.

Austin, Texas - Hub for purchases of companies in their entirety.

Las Vegas, Nevada - Active investments in solar companies and manufacturing & construction companies.

Stone Peak is actively seeking investments and companies to acquire across the United States.

Ontario, Canada - Stone Peak's stronghold in Canada is located in Ontario. Current Canadian investments include an arboretum company and an IT Services company.

Stone Peak is actively seeking investments and companies to acquire across Canada.

London, England - Stone Peak currently has active buy and sell side efforts underway across Europe including financial services, biochemical, construction, and real estate companies.

Stone Peak is actively seeking investments and companies to acquire across Europe.

Geneva, Switzerland - Stone Peak is currently exploring cryptocurrency, software, and financial investment opportunities out of Geneva.